

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures as I travel around the UK and in Europe

Exeter Cathedral

Exeter Cathedral

After a good night’s sleep and an ok breakfast, I trudged to the train station to go to Exeter.

Again, I missed my noise-cancelling headphones as there was an excited child looking forward to playing on one of the Devon beaches. The train was happily chugging along until we unexpectedly stoped and there’s an announcement that as a lorry has hit a railway bridge we’re going to be slightly delayed to allow for single tracking while the bridge is being inspected.

I did, briefly, think that my trip to Devon and Cornwall was cursed after the previous day’s delay due to the overheating rails. This feeling came back to me when my train back to Plymouth became so delayed that we had to catch the next one.

We arrived about 15 minutes late and I started the walk to the Cathedral. I arrived at the bottom of a steep hill and start looking around for the sherpas to help me get up it. Alas, there weren’t any. On the way to the cathedral, I spot a couple of other churches that I decided to stop at on the way back if I had time. I had the time but the churches were shut. Next time?

The Cathedral Church of St Peter in Exeter is surrounded by a lovely grassy square that as it was a beautiful sunny day was full of people enjoying their lunch and the sun.

The current building was started around 1050 and finished about 1400. It was relatively untouched during the dissolution of the monasteries but was damaged during the English civil war. There was a minor refurbishment during the Victorian era and it was quite badly damaged during the Second World War.

Here are some photos of this attractive building.

Truro Cathedral

Truro Cathedral

Plymouth Cathedral

Plymouth Cathedral